Our branded products are based on the award-winning AtomoRapid platform. Designed for professional use and self test, the all-in-one device is simple to use & less error-prone. The innovative design means there is no need for additional test equipment, making it simpler to use than kits with multiple components. AtomoRapid results in less user errors and faster diagnosis.

Small drop of blood from finger Only a small drop of blood is needed to get an accurate result. The lancet locks inside the device after use for safe disposal.

Easy blood collection Collects exactly the right amount of blood, which is delivered to the test strip by simply rotating the blood collection unit.

Quick, clear results in 15 minutes Test results are ready within 15 minutes and are easy to interpret. AtomoRapid makes point of care testing easier & more accurate.

AtomoRapid HIV Steps of Use

About the AtomoRapid Test

Atomo HIV Self Test IFU

Standard test kits

Standard ‘chemistry set’ type kits typically contain multiple accessories that require significant handling and manual dexterity to perform a rapid test, resulting in high unacceptably infield error rates. Additionally, the use of standard test kits results in multiple items being contaminated with blood, generating unsafe working practices for the healthcare worker and cross-infection risks to the patient.

Versus the all-in-one AtomoRapid

AtomoRapidTM offers an alternative. It combines key functionalities into the test including: a contacted activated safety lancet that automatically locks out after use; a blood collection and delivery system to safely collect and deliver the correct blood volume; and the test strip which is enclosed within the device. The product has been designed to simplify the test process and can be used by a wider range of users, including lay consumers.